Facade/entrance in Hotel Marbella

Hotel Marbella


活気に満ちた魅力的なHotel Marbellaへようこそ。メキシコシティの中心部からわずか2マイルの場所に、メキシコシティの心臓部があります!トレンディなコロニア・ローマのフロンテラ205に位置するこの素晴らしい4つ星ホテルは、この壮大な都市が提供する豊かな文化と刺激的なナイトライフを探索するための完璧な拠点です。1泊わずか$69から、あなたの快適な逃避行が、財布に優しい贅沢な快適さを提供します!

Hotel Marbellaでは、贅沢さと便利さが最優先です。冒険のエネルギーを補充する美味しい朝食で目を覚まし、朝のワークアウトのためのフィットネスセンターや、バーからの素敵な飲み物を楽しみながら日光浴ができるリフレッシュできるテラスなど、素晴らしいアメニティを最大限に活用してください。無料のビジネスセンターでビジネスを行ったり、ツアーデスクでエクスカーションを計画したりする際にも、必要なものがすべて手の届くところにあります。そして、1,475件以上のゲストレビューがあり、旅行者たちはホテルの完璧なサービスと居心地の良い雰囲気を絶賛しています!

探索の一日を終えたら、エアコン完備の客室でリラックスし、無料Wi-Fiとルームサービスでスナックを楽しんでください!さらに、便利な旅行を好む方に最適な無料の専用駐車場と禁煙ルームの特典もお楽しみいただけます。Hotel Marbellaは、地元の風味と少しの贅沢が融合した楽しい滞在を約束し、あなたをリフレッシュさせ、さらなるメキシコの冒険に備えさせます!

Living room in Hotel Marbella
Bed in Hotel Marbella



2 シングルベッド


235 平方フィート

デラックス, 2 シングルベッド


Deluxe Twin Room in Hotel Marbella


2 ダブルベッド


235 平方フィート

デラックス, 2 ダブルベッド





Deluxe King Room in Hotel Marbella


1 キングサイズベッド


235 平方フィート

デラックス, キングサイズ






食事に関して言えば、Hotel Marbellaはその魅力的なオンサイトレストラン、バヌスで真に輝いています!家族や食通の方々に対応し、素晴らしいメキシコ料理とスペイン料理の饗宴に飛び込むことができます。都市のジャングルを探検する前に心温まる朝食を味わったり、冒険の一日を終えた後にタパスと爽やかな飲み物を楽しんだりする様子を想像してみてください。歓迎する雰囲気が、たとえ自分のキッチンから何マイルも離れていても、まるで自宅にいるかのように感じさせてくれます!

滞在を計画する際には、Hotel Marbellaが支払いをシンプルでスムーズにしてくれることに注意してください!現金にさよならを告げましょう—このホテルは喜んでVisa、アメリカン・エキスプレス、マスターカードを受け付けます。この効率的なプロセスにより、メキシコシティの活気ある脈動を体験することに集中できます。豪華なスイートに贅沢を楽しむか、居心地の良いダブルルームで友人と物語を共有するかにかかわらず、現代的な便利さがもたらす安心感をお楽しみください。

Hotel Marbellaで大切な思い出を作る準備はできていますか?居心地の良いスタンダードクイーンから広々としたマスタースイートまで、さまざまな部屋タイプが用意されており、ロマンチックな getaway でも楽しい家族の冒険でも、すべての旅行者の気まぐれに合った宿泊施設があります!各部屋は快適さと静けさを約束し、観光のスリリングな一日の後にくつろぐための完璧な聖域を提供します。さあ、荷物を下ろして、窓を開けて、メキシコシティの音に包まれながら待ち受ける冒険の準備をしましょう!

Street view in Hotel Marbella
Facade/entrance in Hotel Marbella










Fitness centre/facilities in Hotel Marbella
Restaurant/places to eat in Hotel Marbella



ファミリーフレンドリー, メキシカン

Restaurante #2

ファミリーフレンドリー, モダンな, メキシカン

Food and drinks in Hotel Marbella
Restaurant/places to eat in Hotel Marbella
Bedroom, Bed in Hotel Marbella
All the staff was really attentive and helpful in all our inquiries. The room with adequate size and pretty clean. The restaurant serves delicious food with good prices. And the location was also great, less than a ten minute walk to Alvaro Obregón's Avenue, close to many restaurants and cafes, Plaza Cuautemoc Mall and metro station.


Very clean rooms and facilities. Extremely helpful staff. Belinda in reception was very helpful and fluent in English. Close to a subway and plenty of restaurants close by. Even though the hotel is almost close to a traffic intersection it was quiet at night Breakfast was above average but there was enough choices.


Hotel Marbella is a modern hotel with large, comfortable rooms and clean bathrooms. It's located in one of the most beautiful districts in CDMX called Roma. You have wonderful cafes, restaurants and bars just around the corner. All in all our stay was a great value for money.


This hotel exceeded our expectations. Nice reception and room. Clean and spacious. We specifically asked to me placed in a room with no noise from the street and the hotel was happy to accommodate our request. Felt really safe. I would highly recommend.


Nice, very clean, big, and quiet room. Front desk and all staff were helpful, very responsive, and nice. Great price and location. Many eateries close by, bus stop across the street. Metro stop 3 blocks away (Hotel General.) 7-11 across the street.


All the staff was really attentive and helpful in all our inquiries. The room with adequate size and pretty clean. The restaurant serves delicious food with good prices. And the location was also great, less than a ten minute walk to Alvaro Obregón's Avenue, close to many restaurants and cafes, Plaza Cuautemoc Mall and metro station.


Very clean rooms and facilities. Extremely helpful staff. Belinda in reception was very helpful and fluent in English. Close to a subway and plenty of restaurants close by. Even though the hotel is almost close to a traffic intersection it was quiet at night Breakfast was above average but there was enough choices.


Hotel Marbella is a modern hotel with large, comfortable rooms and clean bathrooms. It's located in one of the most beautiful districts in CDMX called Roma. You have wonderful cafes, restaurants and bars just around the corner. All in all our stay was a great value for money.


This hotel exceeded our expectations. Nice reception and room. Clean and spacious. We specifically asked to me placed in a room with no noise from the street and the hotel was happy to accommodate our request. Felt really safe. I would highly recommend.


Nice, very clean, big, and quiet room. Front desk and all staff were helpful, very responsive, and nice. Great price and location. Many eateries close by, bus stop across the street. Metro stop 3 blocks away (Hotel General.) 7-11 across the street.


All the staff was really attentive and helpful in all our inquiries. The room with adequate size and pretty clean. The restaurant serves delicious food with good prices. And the location was also great, less than a ten minute walk to Alvaro Obregón's Avenue, close to many restaurants and cafes, Plaza Cuautemoc Mall and metro station.


Very clean rooms and facilities. Extremely helpful staff. Belinda in reception was very helpful and fluent in English. Close to a subway and plenty of restaurants close by. Even though the hotel is almost close to a traffic intersection it was quiet at night Breakfast was above average but there was enough choices.


Hotel Marbella is a modern hotel with large, comfortable rooms and clean bathrooms. It's located in one of the most beautiful districts in CDMX called Roma. You have wonderful cafes, restaurants and bars just around the corner. All in all our stay was a great value for money.


This hotel exceeded our expectations. Nice reception and room. Clean and spacious. We specifically asked to me placed in a room with no noise from the street and the hotel was happy to accommodate our request. Felt really safe. I would highly recommend.


Nice, very clean, big, and quiet room. Front desk and all staff were helpful, very responsive, and nice. Great price and location. Many eateries close by, bus stop across the street. Metro stop 3 blocks away (Hotel General.) 7-11 across the street.



Frontera 205 Colonia Roma, Cuauhtemoc, 06700, DF, メキシコ

Hotel Marbella